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General Settings
General Settings

General settings of QuoteMachine

Automatic Reminders for Unpaid Invoices
Collecting Late Fees in QuoteMachine
Downloading a PDF version of your document
Printing in QuoteMachine
Setting up taxes
Price Levels
Change taxes in tax-inclusive accounts
Setting Restrictions on Order Forms
Create a contract document from quote
Manage your QuoteMachine subscription
Cancelling an Order
How to use Zapier with QuoteMachine
Connecting with Kangaroo rewards
Attaching PDFs to account statements
Automatic update of order status
How to add your tax numbers
Collecting a Payment from an Order
Connect QuoteMachine to your own email account
Connect with Zendesk Sell
How to display the location or account email address in the Contact & Document details section
Using Order Forms for Event Registration
How to delete a deposit from a quote
Creating a Return and Refund in QuoteMachine
Entering Tax by Line Item
Expiration dates on Quotes
Using Merge & Custom Fields
Order Forms
How to Import Suppliers Through CSV File in QuoteMachine
Displaying business details on your Documents