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Fee mapping with a Lightspeed product

How to manage fee reporting with Lightspeed Retail

JD avatar
Written by JD
Updated over a week ago

Fees are an additional amount added to the subtotal, before tax calculations.

They are often used to compute insurance charges, service charges or administration fees.

How are fees exported to Lightspeed retail

The concept of fee does not exist in Lightspeed Retail.

As a consequence QuoteMachine exports fees in Lightspeed as a miscellaneous line item on a Lightspeed sale or a quote.

Since miscellaneous items are not easy to visualize in Lightspeed reports or integrate with accounting software, QuoteMachine offers the option to export fees as a standard non-inventory item.

How to map fees to an item in Lightspeed

First, you must define a non-inventory item in Lightspeed retail that will be used to report the fee.

Then you have to configure the Fee in QuoteMachine from "My Account" - "Fees"

From the Fee details view, use the "External Product" dropdown to search for the non-inventory item previously set (keep in mind an item newly created in Lightspeed may take up to 5 minutes before being visible from QuoteMachine).

Don't forget to save. You're all set!

The two screenshots below illustrate how the service fee in QuoteMachine is reflected in Lightspeed as the non-inventory item set up in the previous steps.

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