QuoteMachine by default has two levels of “roles”, Admin and Salesperson. Within these roles, you will have the ability to restrict what function a user will have access to.
To change these permissions, first navigate to the “Roles” menu, found within the “My Account” page
From here, you can turn off and on a range of user actions. If the field is marked green, the user will have access to these functions.
Access all locations: permission to access data for all locations with a QuoteMachine account, this only applies if you have multiple locations. Check out our guide on how create and manage your locations.
Access all users: permission for the current user see the list of QuoteMachine users on the account.
Admin menus: permission to access the admin menus.
Bypass and update credit limit: permission to have the ability to create an invoice that will exceed the customer's credit limit.
Delete contact: permission to delete contacts.
Delete sent invoice: permission to delete sent invoices.
Delete payment: permission to remove payments from quotes, orders or invoices’.
Delete sent quotes: permission to delete sent quotes.
Edit invoice after sent: permission to edit sent invoices.
Manual invoice export: permission to manually export invoices.
Manual quote export: permission to manually export quotes.
Overwrite total price per line: permission to overwrite the total price per line.
Product quick create: permission to create products in pricing tables with quick create. See our guide on how to quick create products.
Show margin on invoices and quotes: triggers margin showing on pricing tables in the back office.
Update account information, create and update integrations: permission to update account information, gives access to your different integrations.
Create and update custom fields: permission to manage custom fields. See our guide about setting up custom fields.
Create and update custom order status: permission to create and manage custom order status. See our guide on how to set up custom order status.
Create and update custom payment types: permission to add and manage custom payment types. See our guide on how to customize your payment types.
Create and update fees: permission to add and manage fees, this includes the ability to create them, and link them to existing fees in your integration.
Create and update payment terms: permission to add and manage your payment terms.
Add new products to the catalog and update existing products: permission to create new and update products in you catalog, depending on your settings these product may sync back to your integrated app.
Update status of a quote: permission to manually update the status of a quote
Update role permissions: permission to update other users' roles. Important: do not disable this for Admins.
Create and update taxes: permission to add and manage taxes. See our guide on how to set up taxes.
Void invoice: permission to void an invoice.
Next, navigate to the User tab to ensure each user is associated with the correct role