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Merge fields

What specific merge fields do

Ash avatar
Written by Ash
Updated over a week ago

Merge fields are a great way to easily include extra information in any of your QuoteMachine documents. Your QuoteMachine account is already set up with these fields.

QuoteMachine offers 24 different merge fields that you can use in your documents.

Internal notes {line_item_internal_notes}

  • Show internal notes made on a line item

  • Only for sales orders

Inventory received {line_item_inventory_received}

  • Shows the received inventory for a specific line item

  • Only for sales orders

Inventory reserved {line_item_inventory_reserved} shows the quantity of reserved items for the line item.

Long description {line_item_long_description} shows the long description of the line item.

Manufacturer SKU {line_item_manufacturer_sku} shows the manufacturer SKU of the line item.

Manufacturers {line_item_manufacturers} shows the manufacturer(s) of the line item.

Quantity {line_item_measure} shows the quantity of the line item.

Quantity Invoiced {line_item_invoiced_measure}

  • Shows which, and how many line items were invoiced

  • Only on sales orders

SKU {line_item_sku} shows the SKU of the line item.

Short description {line_item_short_description} shows the short description of the line item.

Subtotal (tax inclusive) {line_subtotal_inclusive_amount} shows the subtotal of a line item with tax included.

Subtotal without tax {line_subtotal_amount} shows the subtotal of the line item without tax.

Subtotal with discount {line_subtotal_amount_with_discount} shows the subtotal of the line item with discount included.

Tax amount {line_tax_amount} shows the total amount of tax calculated on the line item.

Tax name {line_item_tax_name} shows the name of the tax assigned to the line item.

Title {line_item_title} shows the title (product name) of the line item.

Total {line_total_amount} shows the total amount of the line item.

Total discount amount {line_total_discount_amount} shows the total discount amount of the line item in monetary value.

Total discount percentage {line_total_discount_amount_percentage} shows the total discount amount of the line item in percentage.

Total tax rate {line_item_total_tax_rate} shows the total tax rate of the line item.

Unit price (net) {line_unit_price_after_discount} shows the unit price of the line item after discount(s).

Unit price (tax inclusive) {line_unit_price_inclusive} shows the unit price of the line item including tax.

Unit price (without tax) {line_unit_price} shows the unit price of the line item without tax.

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