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Using the Custom Pricing Table

Use a custom pricing table in your QuoteMachine documents

Ash avatar
Written by Ash
Updated over a week ago

Using a custom pricing table in your QuoteMachine documents can allow you to include important information about the line item. This can include details such as tax amount for that particular item.

Watch the video below for an overview on how to add this feature to your QuoteMachine templates, or follow the guide below.

Step by Step Guide

In Sales Tools, select which template you would like to add a custom pricing table to. This can be added to any document that includes a pricing table. In this example, we are adding it into a quote template.

In the pricing table, select 'edit'

Now, check off 'show custom line'.

You're now able to add in up to 4 different Headers.

Now, use the Headers to title the information you want to include, and use 'merge fields' to input the information from your documents.

A custom pricing table can also be a good way to format your existing pricing tables.

Don't forget to save! The next document you create using this template will include this new set up.

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