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Connect with Lightspeed POS

How to activate the Lightspeed Retail integration

JD avatar
Written by JD
Updated over a week ago

This article explains how to connect Lightspeed POS to an existing QuoteMachine account. If you do not yet have a QuoteMachine account, you may connect to Lightspeed while creating your QuoteMachine account using the link below.

If your QuoteMachine account is already set up, but you need to connect Lightspeed to it, read below.

Watch the video or scroll for step by step instructions:

Step 1 - Add the integration

  • Select the "My account" menu from the sidebar

  • Click on the "Integrations" tab

  • Click on the "Add integration" button below the Lightspeed Retail logo and description

Step 2 - Authorize QuoteMachine

This step will authenticate your Lightspeed Account and authorize QuoteMachine to connect to it.

  • Click on the button "Connect with Lightspeed Retail"

  • Enter your Lightspeed username and password in the login screen

  • Click on "Authorize Application"

Lightspeed and QuoteMachine are now allowed to synchronize information.
Let's select which information we want them to exchange.

Step 3 - Select what you would like to synchronize between QuoteMachine and Lightspeed Retail and save

The following options are available for you to activate:

Auto export Approved quote

  • This option exports approved quotes automatically in Lightspeed as soon as they are approved.

Contact sync

  • Activating this option gives you access to your Lightspeed contacts from QuoteMachine, and contacts created in QuoteMachine will be exported to Lightspeed.

Apply price rules 

  • If you are using price rules with Lightspeed, you should activate this option to ensure prices are automatically adjusted according to the rules set in Lightspeed. 

Inventory sync

  • This option allows you to consult the inventory level directly from QuoteMachine's search or catalog

Auto import sales paid with a credit account

  • With this feature, you can have invoices automatically created in QuoteMachine every time you complete a sale from the register and pay it using the customer's credit account

Create credit memos when payments are imported instead of applying them automatically

  • When adding money to the customer's credit account from Lightspeed, QuoteMachine can detect it and automatically apply it to outstanding invoices. Altenatively, you can have these payments import without being applied to an invoice.

SKUs are not unique

  •  Product SKUs should most of the time be unique on your account. If you have good reasons to have duplicated SKUs, you will need to activate that option to ensure a good synchronization.

Product sync

  • This option will import all your Lightspeed products into QuoteMachine's catalog and every new product you might create from Lightspeed.

Auto export of sent invoice 

  • When active, this option automatically exports newly created invoices to Lightspeed Retail.

You will also notice that you can select a Shop, a register and an employee from the dropdown menus.

  • The selected shop will be the source of the inventory information.

  • The selected register and employee will be automatically assigned to quotes that will be exported to Lightspeed.

Setting up Multiple Locations

See our dedicated help article, here.

Payment types mapping 

See our dedicated help article, here.

When will the synchronization happen?

Data between Lightspeed and QuoteMachine will start syncing after a few minutes. Depending on the size of your inventory, the first synchronization can take up to several hours if you have a large inventory.

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