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Quick Start Guide for QuoteMachine
Quick Start Guide for QuoteMachine

How to set up your account and send your first quotation

JD avatar
Written by JD
Updated over 11 months ago

This guide is specifically for users who wish to use QuoteMachine on it's own.

If you are using another app and wish to integrate QuoteMachine with it, please follow one of the links below to reach the appropriate Quick Start Guide.

When you first create your account on QuoteMachine, the configuration Wizard guides you through all these steps. However, if you went too quickly or want to review some details. The present article lists the important step towards sending your first quote or invoice.

Video Overview

Video showcasing the main features

Account set up

Company address

The company address can be updated from "My account" menu, under the "Settings" tab.

Clicking on the "Edit Company Details" button reveals a form to update the company details and logo (this logo will appear in emails you send).

Don't forget to click the "Save" button once you've updated your company details.

Sales taxes

If your sales require taxes, you can define your tax rate from the account settings, available under the "My account" menu, then by selecting the "Settings" tab.

Default Colors


Your quote and invoices templates define the layout and general design of the documents you send. You should have at least one template you can use when sending a quote.

Here's a detailed article explaining how to manage proposal templates:
Read article about proposal templates

Products or services

Products or services you sell can be created on the fly, when you create a quote. However, we recommend you prepare them in advance using your "catalog". The catalog an be accessed from the "Catalog" menu.

Send your first quote

There are shortcuts to start a quote at various location in the software. The "New Quote" button from the sidebar or the "New Quote" button from the quote dashboard both create a new Quote.

Select or Create a customer

When you start creating a quote, the first step is to select an existing customer or create one. This customer will be the main recipient of your offer.

If you click the "Choose existing customer" button, you will be able to search for names or email in your contact database.

If you click the "New customer" button, you will be able to fill in a form containing the customer information.

Name and email address are mandatory fields so you can save a contact. You can capture additional information like the postal address, customer language, etc. so you can use it later.

Add products

The next step is to add products or service to your pricing table.

A click on  "Add a product or service" on the pricing table will prompt the search interface.

From there, you can search products from in your catalog, and click on a result to add it to your pricing table. 

If a product or service does not exist in the catalog yet, you have an option to create a new one by clicking on the "Quick Create" button.

Tip: you can always access the quantity editor or delete a product by clicking on its name from the pricing table

Review the design

Once you are done adding products and services to the pricing table, it is time to review the design and layout before you can send it.

Click on the "Edit Design" button to access the design and layout review step.

From this page, you can select the template you want to apply or edit the design in the same way you would from the template editor.
​Read article about proposal templates


Once you are satisfied with your quote, it is time to send it.

Click on the "Send Quote" button.

It prompts the email edition interface. Once you are done editing the email, you can click the "Send now" button, which will email your quote to your customer.

The following help article explains how to send your quote to multiple recipients
Read article about multiple recipients


Once your quote has been sent, you get access to analytics.
You will see if people have read your quote or engaged with it in any way.

From this page, you will be able to:

  • see the customer engagement

  • create new versions of your offer

  • visualize the status of your quote (proposed, accepted, won).

You will receive email notification for every significant event happening to this quote. For example, if the customer accepts it online.

When the customer has accepted the offer, you can click on the "Won" button to confirm and close the sale successfully.

Send your first invoice

Invoices follow a similar process as quotes. You can start a new one form an accepted quote or create a brand new one directly.

The invoice menu give you quick ways to see who owes you money and easy tools to make sure you get paid on time.

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