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Pricing Levels with Lightspeed X-Series

This article goes over how pricing levels syncronize with Lightspeed X-Series.

Written by Emille Law
Updated over a week ago

QuoteMachine imports pricing levels from Lightspeed X-Series, to streamline pricing management.

To start, you can create a price book in your Lightspeed X-series account. Please navigate to Setting up a new Price Book for more information.

Once your Price Books have imported from Lightspeed X-Series, you will see it in your QuoteMachine account under Catalog > Price Levels.

You can click into your created price books now and see the price levels created.

You will also be able to see the pricing details within the item details.

It is important to note that any changes made within the the item details or the price level page in QuoteMachine, will not update in Lightspeed. You must update all price levels within your Lightspeed X-series account.

You can create a Price Level within QuoteMachine as well, however it is important to note that this will remain in QuoteMachine and not export to Lightspeed X-Series.

Please navigate to Updating a Price book for more information.

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