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How to Bulk Create Invoices

How to easily create invoices in bulk from an Order Form.

Ash avatar
Written by Ash
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes it can be convenient to bulk create invoices that have the same set of products/services. Here's a detailed guide on how to do that.

1 - Create an Order Form

The first step is to create a new Order Form. To do so, click on ''Order Forms'' in the menu, and then on ''New order form''.

Since we want to create bulk invoices, for the ''Will create'' part we should choose ''Invoice''.

After clicking on ''Create an order form'', you'll be able to actually create your order form and add all the products/services. You can find a detailed guide on how to create an order form here.

2 - Activate Order Form

After your order form has been made, it's time to activate it. To activate your order form, you simply click on the green ''Activate'' button on the bottom right of the page.

3 - Bulk Create

Now that your order form is complete and activated, it's time to bulk create the invoices. The first step is to click on the three dots, and on ''Bulk create''.

The next step is to select the customers for which you want to create the invoices. You can either look up customers by name, or filter on certain groups of customers if you have created those.

After selecting the customers, you'll be able to choose the Payment type if you want payments to be applied. Notice the toggle. If you do not want payments applied, you could simply toggle that off. Once choice is made, click ''Create'' to create the invoices.

When you've finalized the Bulk Creation, you'll see a green notification that says that the bulk operation has started.

Finally, when you refresh the order form after a couple of minutes, you'll see all of the created invoices listed.

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