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Custom Forms

Create a custom form for your customers to enter in their own information.

Ash avatar
Written by Ash
Updated over a week ago

You can use Custom Fields on your QuoteMachine documents to create a space for you to collect information from your customers while they are viewing their quote. This Custom Form can be a good way to get customer notes, specifications, or other details your customer might need to provide about the project.

Creating a Custom Field

  • Log into your QuoteMachine account

  • From the left-hand menu, click on Sales Tools

  • From the top menu, click on Custom Fields

  • Click the Add custom field button

    • Name : Give your custom field a title

    • Available from : determine which type of document you add the custom field

    • Field type : determine which type of data to collect

      • Text : A single line of text, good for short-form information

      • Multi-line text : A paragraph of text, good for long-form information

      • Date : A date selector for day, month, and year

      • List : A custom list of items to choose from

        • Add choice : add the choices to select from

      • Image : An image upload tool

  • Click Save custom field to continue

Selecting documents under the Available from field will add the Custom Field to the Project Details section of those forms. Leaving the field blank will add it to the Contact Details section.

Adding the Custom Field to Documents

In the case where you wish to have your Customer provide you with the details from the Custom Fields you created, you will need to add them to the Document Template.

  • From your QuoteMachine account

  • From the left-hand menu, click on Sales Tools

  • Under the Branding tab, select the Document Template you wish to work on

  • Click Edit Content on the template you wish to edit

  • Hover above the section you wish to add the field to and click + Add

  • Select Custom Field, and a popup will appear

    • Select custom field : Choose a pre-existing Custom Field

    • Displayed text : Determine the title displayed for the Custom Field

    • Field width : Determine field width. 12 is full width and 6 is half.

    • Required : Determine if the customer must fill-in this field to save the document

  • Click Save

Where will the information be available?

Opening the document (Quote, Order, or Invoice) in question, you will find the information your customer filled-in under the Contact Details section.

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